Yesterday was a pretty good day! I saw my dream car, a Mercedes McLaren SLR, on the way to work!
Then we went to see CITIZEN KANE last night, at a free outdoor screening in the Olympic Village. It was great!
And at 6:30 this morning the clouds were doing something pretty!
Turns out we could see the fireworks out of the corner of my window, by leaning out the window!
As Rich said: "They all just look like big Science Worlds."
These are from Ryan and Lindsay's wedding reception a few weeks ago!
The happy couple.
Got any stock tips, Mr. Gekko?
MC Wallace
This, to me, looks like a Charlie Brown dancing scene: Hava nagila, Tim.
Kanye Wallace:
Tim and Rudi perform their rehearsed Kraftwerk dance:
The bartender sassed Rudi:
Congrats, you two!
A few things I have seen in the last couple weeks. Starting with: Google street view mobile! Look for me on Denman! This was on the lid of a garbage can in a kitchen in a penthouse in Richmond: I really, really, really want to watch this Japanese 70s gangster movie: Staging is weird: I really wanted it to take off but I had to leave: Booob:
Check out Le Video Shelf on which I gush over movies I love, and has some of my suggestions for great slightly older movies that get lost in the drama/foreign/cult/comedy/action sections of your favorite local video store!