It is always a sad day when another independent video store shutters its doors, but the upshot is that Dan gets sweet deals on DVDs. You may be familiar with my love of Buster Keaton the amazing silent era physical comedian and all around genius, as well as my fondness for the British political satire IN THE LOOP, featuring many familiar faces and Peter Capaldi whose scathing, seething, and incredibly creative insults are some of the best I've ever heard.
Went for a walk in the Endowment lands with some peeps! Dog walk photos usually end up being a pile of bum shots. This is also most of what you see of Mr. Chips unless she wants a snack.
Check out Le Video Shelf on which I gush over movies I love, and has some of my suggestions for great slightly older movies that get lost in the drama/foreign/cult/comedy/action sections of your favorite local video store!